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Emergency phonesDominican Republic
Ambulance 809-532 0000
Fire Brigade:
Santo Domingo 809-682 2000
Boca Chica 809-523 4626
Puerto Plata 809-586 2312
Santo Domingo 809-682 2151
Puerto Plata 809-586 2331
Emergency phones Cuba
Ambulance (Havana)
838 1185 838 2185
Fire Brigade: 105
Police: 106
Drug Unit: 103
Pico Duarte, Dominican Republic 3087 m. above the sea level
D.R. |
The highest mountain in the Caribbean Climb it in just 3 days
Adventure traveller?
Try Pico Duarte, the highest mountain in the
Caribbean (3087 meters above sea level). Caribation shows you the way, the pictures from our February 2010 trip,
an shares some first-hand experience with you.
For reservations call Francisco Canela, an experienced guide, at 829 - 910 4943 (Spanish only).
The closest town to the starting point is Jarabacoa. Spend a night in Hotel
California there and take the last warm shower in three days to come.
Click on the photo with yellow map to view your route
SECOND DAY: from La Compartición to the peak and back. Going up and then down.
Am zweiten Tag zum Gipfel wandern und zurück. Insgesamt 4 Stunden.
Der einfachste Tag. Lagerfeuer machen, entspannen, die Natur geniessen.
Wieder in das La Compartición schlafen
Starting the second day before dawn (4:30 am) |
First rays of sun on the second day
Last meters before the top
Bust of Duarte and the dominican flag
Mountaineer at Pico Duarte
Mountaineer happy warming up at the fire place |
Current prices (2015):
Guide: 600 RD$ per day
Mule to carry equipment: 400 RD$ per day
Mule to carry persons: 450 RD$ per day
Entry to the park: 100 RD$ per person
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© 2001-2025 Caribation SRL
Villa with ocean view $350 000 |
Apartment with Ocean View for rent in a beach area |
To the girls