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Emergency phonesDominican Republic
Ambulance 809-532 0000
Fire Brigade:
Santo Domingo 809-682 2000
Boca Chica 809-523 4626
Puerto Plata 809-586 2312
Santo Domingo 809-682 2151
Puerto Plata 809-586 2331
Emergency phones Cuba
Ambulance (Havana)
838 1185 838 2185
Fire Brigade: 105
Police: 106
Drug Unit: 103
Hurricane (ciclon) alerts 2017 Names: Irma, Jose, Maria
Hurricane warnings for the Caribbean Islands
Caribation service for travelers to the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti and Puerto Rico
Disclaimer: External data. Caribation assumes no liability.
Report date:
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 03:50:01 GMT Source: NHC Atlantic More info and current maps The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. Dear Customers (buyers and sellers),
If you don't want to drive yourself during the stormy weather our driver can pick you up
at the airport. Price example SDQ Airport - Casa de Campo $150.
Hurricanes (called ciclon in Cuba) are tropical cyclones. Danger arises through
very high wind speeds, waves and heavy rain falls. Hurricane season lasts from June
through November. We receive this frequent question: How am I supposed to behave
as a tourist when I get surprised on the island?
Three simple rules:
1. Buy water, food, batteries and stay home.
2. Prepare for much rain.
3. Follow the instructions of the Civil Protection authorities.
You will not be surprised. The arrival of a storm is widely alerted a few days in advance.
Also, renting accommodation in a solid construction will add quite a bit to your safety in this period.
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Villa with ocean view $350 000 |
Apartment with Ocean View for rent in a beach area |
To the girls