Reservations. Software.

For hotels and other rentals

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Made by reservations experts

Simple Reservations is a hotel booking application, designed for hotels from 5 rooms upwards. It is very easy to use. It also requires zero maintenance: the basic version runs on our servers. No installation required. No updates. Works on every PC, notebook, smartphone.

Designed by Caribation IT

reservations calendar

Attractive price

Just US$ 0.01 (one cent) per room and day

Competitive prices for customization to your business model, if needed. Easy, intuitive usage.

Start immediately

No training necessary. All functions you'd expect: reminders, waiting list, API for your website. The manager can check the current booking situation on his smartphone at any time and from anywhere.

Video: one minute introduction

Let's Get In Touch!

Describe what you need. Expect competent answer!

+1 305 517 7120
(all languages)